Our Adventures With Retired Racing Greyhounds, Truly, Maggie and Walker

Friday, November 23, 2012


I continue to research what others have written/found about idiopathic fear in greyhounds.  I can find a lot of information about what it is and what may cause spookiness, but I can't seem to find much about overcoming it.  I just know it can be done!  Walker is counting on it. 

We've been subscribers of Celebrating Greyhounds magazine since we adopted Truly in 2006. In reviewing the CG archives, I've found reference to the article, "Spooks" by Ann Smith in the Fall 1996 issue. Problem is - all back issues are sold out.

If you should just happen to know where I can get a copy, please let me know. Just leave a message in the "Comment" box. Please don't e-mail me because the e-mail address attached to this blog has been hacked and I can't access it.

I thank you and Walker does, too!


  1. Check this link out: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:X6rpCd4gy_AJ:www.greyhoundsonly.com/news-and-events/the-skinny/issues-of-the-skinny/2003/18-fall-2003/download+&hl=en&gl=uk&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESg71CWLvkMk08ug2SMmrecbKAIDh9jAkTuZOGg_P9Ambyw81PyJL3pNb_W4CmZXMX7LCnIW66Xtfmsdl0WpaVnotS3IFT2zz4DnmvdKZwjwW55ucxfGek3IcX9oMpc1lp8qciJ-&sig=AHIEtbTZJ4aVmQGQ7-6CNlfk_g-JizZVKg

    Think you will have to copy and paste.

    It's not the one you wee talking about, but it is very good.

    1. Sue,
      Thank you so much for seeking "The Skinny" out for us! The comments from "spook" owners are very helpful and give us hope for Walker. The entire publication was interesting. There's an article in this issue about clicker training. Someone suggested that we try the clicker with him. This has the best instructions I've seen.
      Again, thank you!

  2. Poor Walker. Hope you find some useful advice in the article.

  3. I can ask about the article, if you like. I can't promise an answer, but I can try. I'm a lowly copy editor for CG, which doesn't count for a lot, but I might be able to find out something.

    1. Please do ask - if you can without too much trouble. It's wonderful to have friends in high places! :)
